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BloggerByte.Net - Whenever you visit Sarkarisesult website this is always open in Desktop Mode either you are using pc or mobile phone if you want to make your website open always in desktop mode then here is the trick for this.

How do you lock a website's display to always use Desktop mode on mobile?

A website developer using either Blogger or WordPress and so on does have its own interests in building websites, such as wanting to lock the desktop display to appear on mobile without having to click or make mobile using Desktop mode.

This method is very simple, just add a meta tag to the head of your website. If you have code on your website.

First, enter Blogger > Theme > Edit HTML look for the following code.

<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1' name='viewport'/>

Please replace it using a meta tag

<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024"/>

If you have done Save the Theme.

By applying the meta tag above, the appearance of your website on Mobile will be the same as on the Desktop.

Example of Desktop Mode on Mobile

That's the way to make the website look the same as on the Desktop even though using Mobile, give your comments and hopefully useful. .

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